Good & Evil

Dear self,

Discerning the Spirits.

Denying the Self.

There is a war within me.

War between Good and Evil.

Evil preaches to me of self acceptance and self love.

He tells me to be happy above all else.

That I don’t have to resist against life or myself.

Life is what it is.

And I am who I am.

There’s nothing wrong with that,

And there’s nothing to do about it.

Life is short.

Just try to enjoy it.

Good tells me something different.

Good preaches that I must know my lowliness.

That I am inclined to sin,

And that I must choose to deny myself.

Good tells me to do the hard things,

Which serves others and therefore God,

Instead of serve myself.

Good exposes my faults,

That I might address them.

Good tells me to live like Christ instead of myself,

That my reward will be in heaven.

Good is hard.

Good wants sacrifice.

Evil says he wants nothing,

Only my satisfaction.

Yet when I follow evil,

He leaves me empty and unsatisfied,

Depressed, anxious, and isolated.

But when I choose the hard path,

The hardship becomes hope,

And I feel united with God.

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all future publishing’s of “Letters to Self”.

Letters to Self is a conveying of divinely inspired observations of my own human condition, or spiritual nudges, as I refer to them.

I have felt a calling to create conversations in order to literate these spiritual nudges as they come.

These nudges begin as a gift of understanding, yet they are unexplainable. To make them coherent, I must take this unspoken wisdom and define it in human language, so that I may better head it, but also share it.

To support this effort of evangelization, please consider subscribing.


Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, Distance Runner, Power Lifter, Active-Duty Military


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