Sacrifice & Resentment

Dear self,

Selfless actions require

selfless justifications.

From love, empathy emanates,

through which sacrifice is born,

born like a baby who will only live by the care of its mother.

Just as the sacrificial care of a mother

is justified by the great love she has for her child,

so too are all sacrifices justified by love.

Love is the only thing on this earth that can justify

because it is not of this earth,

but from God and is God and is commanded by God.

Align your character and actions

upon the good of the other,

lest an occasion of sacrifice or selflessness will come,

and you will measure it with reason,

like a transaction, of which it would be a poor one-

to give without consideration of a return.

Be wary of actions and habits you keep

that come from a place of love,

such as keeping a clean house for your family's sake or prepping coffee for your spouse before work,

for they will become sources of resentment

without the justification of love.

Remember that you do it because you love them,

not because they deserve it.

Luke 6:31,

"Do to others as you would have them do to you",

does not depend on, nor promise in return, the good deeds of others.”

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all future publishing’s of “Letters to Self”.

Letters to Self is a conveying of divinely inspired observations of my own human condition, or spiritual nudges, as I refer to them.

I have felt a calling to create conversations in order to literate these spiritual nudges as they come.

These nudges begin as a gift of understanding, yet they are unexplainable. To make them coherent, I must take this unspoken wisdom and define it in human language, so that I may better head it, but also share it.

To support this effort of evangelization, please consider subscribing.


Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, Distance Runner, Power Lifter, Active-Duty Military


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