The Void

Dear self,

Driven to satisfaction,

Yet fed I grow in hunger.

We yearn constantly for an abundance.

An abundance which might fill the shallow void within.

But the void will not stay filled.

This is difficult to accept.

We want happiness.

And we are at great risk of occupying our lives

With perpetual efforts to fill the void.

To the enchanted,

This pursuit is one to happiness,

But to the wiser,

It is a fleeing from our depravity.

We are deprived of something this world cannot offer.

Pleasures do not endure in this life,

Yet pain endures to death.

We are flawed.

Left unsatisfied and inclined to evil.

Yet in our lowliness we seek fulfillment.

Often we look in the wrong place.

Only in heaven will happiness endure.

Joined to God,

Thus joined to His Unending Goodness.

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all future publishing’s of “Letters to Self”.

Letters to Self is a conveying of divinely inspired observations of my own human condition, or spiritual nudges, as I refer to them.

I have felt a calling to create conversations in order to literate these spiritual nudges as they come.

These nudges begin as a gift of understanding, yet they are unexplainable. To make them coherent, I must take this unspoken wisdom and define it in human language, so that I may better head it, but also share it.

To support this effort of evangelization, please consider subscribing.


Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, Distance Runner, Power Lifter, Active-Duty Military


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