Letters to Self

Introspective Assessments.

Spiritual Insights.


Sleep Walk . . .

The Void . . .

Inevitable . . .

Holding Standards . . .

Good & Evil . . .

Sacrifice & Resentment . . .

Awareness & Anxiety . . .

What are “Introspective Assessments”?

In subduing the mind, or the ego, you expose it to the judgments of the soul, that which is in communion with God and therefore understanding of His Will. And before your soul you are subject to an honest, and perhaps harsh, assessment. Detached from the ego, this assessment is inconsiderate of your feelings, discomfort, or the prospect of undesirable circumstances. This is the friend who says what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Learn to accept your faults and not to justify them, and learn to listen to this friend, and you will never cease growth and development.

What do you mean, “Spiritual Insights”?

An understanding born of the subconscious, informed by the spirit, and brought to the conscious mind to ponder. It is not formulated and sought into existence, but spoken to the soul and whispered to the mind, that it may be practiced and articulated into a wisdom. You need only be listening.

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all future publishing’s of “Letters to Self”.

Letters to Self is a conveying of inspired observations of my own human condition, or spiritual nudges, as I refer to them.

I have felt a calling to create conversations in order to literate these spiritual nudges as they come.

These nudges begin as a gift of understanding, yet they are unexplainable. To make them coherent, I must take this unspoken wisdom and define it in human language, so that I may better head it, but also share it.

To support this effort of evangelization, please consider subscribing.


Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, Distance Runner, Power Lifter, Active-Duty Military


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